David Titheridge

theology and programming in my office, 2008

Web developer
for the University of Auckland.

Past post-graduate
in Chemistry and Theology.

Sporadic preacher
at the Baptist Tabernacle.

Student of scripture.
Lover of language.
Loiterer in libraries.

Weekly jogger.
Annual tramper.
Asia traveller.

Son of John, physicist of faith,
and Pat, ex English teacher.
Brother of Joy.

Spiritual son of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams,
whose inklings of Goodness and Beauty baptised my imagination.

Son of the German monk
who despaired, and discovered Grace.

Son of the Italian poet
lost in dark woods, who saw divine Light.

Son of the African bishop
who sought until found by Love.

Son of Thomas in doubting faith.
Son of Peter in denying devotion.
Son of the Twelve, in wavering weakness
and yet, by the Mercy, arriving back home

Son of a rainbow cloud of witnesses.

Servant and friend of the Son.

Son of David, songwriter-warrior king.
Son of Jacob, who wrestled with the Mystery.
Son of Isaac.
Son of Abraham, pilgrim for the Promise.
Son of Adam.

Child of the Triune Dance.
Letter of the Word.
Son of God.